Board Meeting – September 26, 2011

Country Walk Homeowner’s Association Meeting on September 26, 2011

Board Members Present – Murali Sitaraman, Scott Templeton, Lee Crandall, Susan Zhang and Stephanie O’Brien

President Murali Sitaraman called the Board Meeting to order at 7:07pm in the Country Walk Clubhouse.

–        Susan Zhang presented the 2011 Account Balances and Year-to-Date Income and Expenditures as of September 26, 2011.
–        157 out of the 158 households have paid their annual dues.
–        Minutes from the August Board meetings were approved.
New Business-
–        Clemson Elementary School Walk to School Day
School requestd permission for parents to use the CW parking lot
for the event- there was no objection from the board. Date- Oct. 7th.
–        Berkley Road Project-
Board members toured the area on either side of CW entrance
A motion was made by Murali to clear the area from the CW entrance sign to the 1st  pole and “clean up” the area under the row of trees along Berkley (remove brush and the old metal fencing). The motion was passed.
–        Entrance Irrigation Update-
Murali reported that contracted irrigation work is now complete however there are cut wires near the old club house that could be fixed to improve the system; installation of a controller would repair the irrigation for the entire soccer field and would cost $480.00. It would cost an additional $385.00 to install irrigation to the right side of the clubhouse. Stephanie proposed a motion to fix existing, broken irrigation system including soccer field controller and the right side of the clubhouse. Scott seconded the motion, all were in favor. The left side of the clubhouse has a water spigot but does not have an irrigation system. To install one that would cover the side down to the pool area would cost $2,000.00. No decision was made concerning this irrigation.
  • The dirt mounds that remain where trees were removed will be leveled once the ground is dry. Murali will address additional removal list provided by the landscape committee.
–        Halloween Planning-
CW will hire two police officers from 5:30- 9:00pm to control the flow of traffic on Halloween night
–        The Board reviewed the Landscape proposal from CMHP design. Scot made
a motion to hire the firm to create a landscaping plan for the entrance of CW (phase 1) including Berkley (100ft from both entrance signs ). Lee supported the motion- all were in favor. The Board would like to have the plan for the October board meeting. The board discussed the budget for the project.
–        Landscape/Trail Maintenance Plan
Murali will send the contract to Southern Dreamscapes to review/make changes; any changes will need to be approved by the landscape committee and the board.
A map was reviewed and will be provided to Southern Dreamscapes designating the primary and secondary areas of the neighborhood.
Southern Dreamscapes will submit a monthly report documenting services were provided that month and will include any recommendations for extra work that may be needed in the future.
Stephanie was appointed to be the contact person between CW and Jayme of Southern Dreamscapes.
–        Lee provided the Board with an example of another local community’s
Long term planning documents including plans for financial reserves.
–        Neighbor Suggestions
There have been complaints about residents dumping grass clippings inappropriately- the Board will contact the City of Clemson regarding rules for yard waste disposal.
        –    Tennis court improvements-
The new benches are scheduled to be delivered tomorrow
A motion was made to thank McCall’s for their many years of service as CW landscape providers.
President Murali Sitaraman adjourned the meeting at 9:50pm.

These meeting notes were complied by Stephanie O’Brien-Finneran, CW HOA Board