Board Meeting – October 5, 2010

Country Walk Homeowners’ Association Meeting on October 5, 2010
President Mickey Lauria called the meeting to order at 7:40 pm in the Country Walk Clubhouse.  Four Board members were present, namely Mickey Lauria, Murali Sitaraman, Nanda Srimani and Scott Templeton.
Treasurer Scott Templeton presented the budget reports, consisting of Account Balances and Year-to-Date Income and Expenditures as of October 5, 2010 and explained some of the line items in the budget report.
First Vice President Murali Sitaraman reported the following developments:
·         Murali got the following estimates for trail maintenance from McCalls:
One-time weed control application along the 2.4 mile nature trail for $200,
One-time bush trimming and gravel replacement along the path at $25/hour,
Sod along the Country Walk Lane for $700.
The board approved one-time weed control application and one-time bush trimmingwork to be done by McCall in October.
·         David Crum took some pictures of the cracks on Tennis courts and sent them to the Atlanta repair company in Sept. Their engineers will look at them and get back to us soon. Murali will get the phone number and address of the Atlanta Company that did the repair work in spring from David and will talk to them regarding warranty service.
·         Wire fence surrounding the Tennis courts need to be repaired.
·         Murali will get an estimate for a small bridge over the drainage ditch along the new section of the trail.
President Mickey Lauria reported the following announcements and developments:
·         Murali and Mickey talked to mulch company regarding the quality of the playground mulch they sold to CW in the spring 2010 and they were very cooperative and professional about our concerns and refunded CW $738.50.
·         Mickey and Murali will talk to McCalls about treatment for Ant-hills, trimming and bush hogging in some areas. Several trees need to be pruned soon badly.
·         Mickey will check the work-order status online from City of Clemson to fix the storm drainage problem around 102 Sugar Maple Ct.
·         Pool was closed on Sept 27. Due to warm temperature CW residents got to enjoy couple of extra weeks of pool-time this summer.
Nanda Srimani reported status of upstairs Air-conditioner repair. Pittman Heating and AC was called for service. They found freeze on the outside pipes as well as in the furnace coil in the attic and the blower Fan was not working. They diagnosed the problems and gave estimates for replacement of controller card in the furnace ($258) and replacement of the evaporator coil ($1670). They also gave estimate for new units which are approximately $12,000. Board approved to get the controller card replaced for now.
Playground mulch: Jennie Cahill ordered 50 cubic yards of TumbleSafe mulch (IPEMA certified for children’s playground area) from Upstate Mulch Co. for $1272 and got it delivered. The Sitaramans rented metal-detector to clean up the metal debris in the old mulch and Jennie hired couple of students for the clean-up and spreading of the new mulch.
Painting of the wooden slabs under the clubhouses deck was completed by Leslie Eppenstein. The work included power-wash and 2 coats of paint/stain for $650 including labor and material.
Jennie expressed via emails that she didn’t want to continue to serve on the CW board. The Board is very thankful for her service to CWHOA and appreciates of all the time and effort she had put in the last several months, particularly for the playground mulch and clubhouse deck-painting.
New Business:
·         Board reviewed current contract we have with McCalls Landscaping and decided some changes including trail maintenance.
–          Weed control up to 3-times a year (approx $200 per application)
–          Bush trimming along the path 2-times a year (approx 8 hrs, $200 each time)
–          Annual gravel maintenance as needed
–          Planting of annuals at the CW entrance 2-times a year.
Mickey will prepare the contract and give it to Dobrenen and ask the grounds committee to get some bids for 2011. If we sign a contract with McCalls Landscaping for 2011, board will meet with Mr. McCalls and go over the details and compliance of the contract.
·         Mickey will ask Jay Jones and Mitchel Dobrenen, Grounds and Maintenance committee chair to get some bids to make the entrance more attractive as well as take care of the Kudzu problem.
·         Board will put together a list of contractors we have used for various projects in the past.
·         Halloween will be celebrated on Sunday, Oct 31, 5:30 – 8:30 pm. Scott will call and arrange to have 2 policemen control the traffic in the neighborhood.
·         Board will explain CWHOA rules and policies and payment methods for contactors to new board members. Board is currently seeking nominations for a new member.
The date for the next HOA meeting is Tuesday, November 9 at 7:30 PM.
With no further items of businesses slated for discussion, President Mickey Lauria adjourned the meeting at 9:30 PM.

These meeting minutes were compiled by Nanda Srimani, Secretary, Country Walk Board.