Board Meeting – August 17, 2010

Country Walk Homeowners’ Association Meeting on August 17, 2010

President Mickey Lauria called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm in the Country Walk Clubhouse.  All 5 Board members were present, namely Jennie Cahill, Mickey Lauria, Murali Sitaraman, Nanda Srimani and Scott Templeton.

Treasurer Scott Templeton presented the budget reports, consisting of Account Balances and the Year-to-Date Income and Expenditures as of August 17, 2010.
Scott also reported that “No Diving” tiles were installed around the pool to comply with new DHEC regulation. Matheson Pools completed the work including replacement of 26 tiles for a total cost of $910.
First Vice President Murali Sitaraman reported the following developments:
  • Murali talked to David Crum. David was supposed to complete the work including the agreed upon installation of a number of open drains at various locations on the nature trail, as part of the warranty in his contract, but apparently he may not honor the contact, and since his company Southern Roots is out of business now, we have to look at other options.
  • We will need to get somebody to repair the wire fence surrounding the Tennis courts, also new cracks are appearing on the courts again.
  • We may need to have a maintenance contact for the nature trail or we should add this to the next year’s ground maintenance contact.
  • One of the residents in Clemson downs expressed concern about a tree on CW property, later got it checked and it seems to be fine now. We will get a second opinion.
  • The underside of the Clubhouse deck and the supporting pillars need to be painted. We will get some estimates and get it done in September.
President Mickey Lauria reported the following announcements and developments:
  • McCalls will be asked to replace the sod along the subdivision entrance.
  • Jay Jones will be asked to lead the landscaping of the Country Walk entrance area. He will get some bids to make the entrance more attractive as well as take care of the Kudzu problem.
  • Mickey and Murali will talk to McCalls regarding the weeds/grass around the tennis courts and in various mulched areas. Also, ant hills in the front and on the side of the club house near furnace etc. need to be sprayed few times every year.
Nanda reported:
  • Clubhouse furnace for main floor was fixed by Pittman Heating and Air conditioning for a cost of $164. Pittman diagnosed, the problem was caused by ants around the outdoor furnace area and advised, the area be treated for ants regularly.
  • Some residents found nails, staples and other sharp objects in the playground mulch that was installed in the spring. Board decided to install better quality, Kid-safe mulch on top of the existing mulch. Nanda will get some prices for 50 cubic yard of certified playground mulch
Jennie will get some estimates for the painting of underside of the Clubhouse deck and also, find some students to spread the playground mulch once it is purchased.
New Business:
  • The Country Walk HOA website had vanished suddenly, even though June-July maintenance fee to Net Doctor was paid already. Tim Burg will investigate. Tim mentioned to Mickey that currently we pay $35/year ownership fee for the URL and maybe we should switch to Go-daddy for a onetime fee of $15.
  • Mickey will send an email to CW residents reminding them to keep the side walk clear and the bushes and trees trimmed, so all can enjoy walking in the neighborhood.
  • Mickey will submit a request to the City of Clemson to report storm drainage problem around 102 Sugar Maple Ct. Whenever there is heavy rain, water builds up in the cul-de-sac, storm drain doesn’t capture it all, so water over flows into our nature trail. The recent heavy rain caused damage to the steps to the trail that need to be reworked.
The date for the next HOA meeting was set for Tuesday, September 7 at 7:30 PM.
With no further items of businesses slated for discussion, President Mickey Lauria adjourned the meeting at 8:30 PM.

These meeting minutes were compiled by Nanda Srimani, Secretary, Country Walk Board.